On this, the last day of the year, 2018, we find ourselves, hubby and I, in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina in our cozy little cabin on Red Bird Lane. Rainy and cold. The kind of day that the only thing you want to do is sit in front of a blazing fire, covered with a soft, fuzzy afghan and sip on hot cappuccino while watching your favorite love story. Perfect setting to end this year. This cabin has been a precious gift. One of many this year. It was kinda funny how it all started though. The cabin didn’t become officially ours until the end of 2017. Knowing that the closing had been cancelled, we came anyway on a hope and a prayer that somehow it would work out. I guess we thought being persistent would change things. We can be very stubborn at times. Especially my husband (tee hee.) We stayed in a motel while we were trying to figure things out. We even asked could we rent the cabin for a couple of nights. All to no avail. I remember us walking around in the yard, looking in the windows, like pitiful, little lost puppies looking for a home. We just couldn’t wait to get inside. I guess patience isn’t our virtue. After several weeks, we went home, very disappointed. The only thing we really accomplished while being here, other than just enjoying the mountains, was to spend a lot of money. We closed two days after we returned home. It wasn’t until February this year that we were able to return. Finally, we got to sleep in our bed, in our little cabin on the mountain. We wasted no time making it our own. We added a mantel to the fireplace. Pulled out floor
radiators and replaced it with a air pump. Painted furniture, bought eclectic items from local antique stores, hung new curtains. We added our own touch. We soaked in the cool mornings and basked in the crisp evenings on the porch as we listened to the running water brook nearby, our dream had
come true. We were back months later, for the summer. Our granddaughter spent three weeks with us. We were like kids again. Horseback riding, white water rafting, jumping into the river and climbing mountains, just anything that we could find that a 12 year old would love to do. Unexpectedly, hurricane Michael gave us a reason to return in October. It was difficult but we managed to put the tragedy behind us for a few days. The exuberant colors of fall all around us made it a little easier. My 87 year old mother came for the first time. Just in time to enjoy the apple season. Her favorite. Daddy’s too. I could see it in her eyes as she reminisced of him. She wished that he could be here. Me too. Our granddaughter got to make the trip. We only had a week but it was a most special week for
all of us.
We found out during Christmas of 2017 that my son and his wife were going to have a baby. The first
baby in our family in 12 years. A little later we found out that it was going to be a boy. Another grandson for my husband and I. When we were in the mountains in July we knew we would be
returning for his birth. We arrived home in plenty of time. A few days to get reacquainted with ourcamper or we thought. I heard the phone ring around 7:00 the next morning. I got up to answer the phone to find my son on the other end. “Mama we’re at the hospital, were going to have a baby,” he calmly said. I was anything but calm, “You mean she is in labor?” I yelled. Out of my mind I said, “I have a hair appointment, should I get my hair done?” I didn’t go. Coming to my senses, I realized that this day was far more important than a cut and color. It was a long, hard day for my daughter-in-law and son. They were a great team. Our precious little boy finally arrived late that night. Perfect in every way. Thank you Lord for our special little addition. We have enjoyed all the first.
This year has brought some disappointments too. I’ve watched my older kids and grandkids experience some hurts this year. When they hurt, I do too. We experienced growing pains for sure. Sometimes I wish they were still little and I could sit them on my lap and wrap my arms around them and tell them that everything is going to be alright. I just want them to know that I will never give up
on them. They are and always will be my greatest joy. I will pray for you until the day I die…probably will not stop then either.
In August my husband and I decided to get back into the work force. We didn’t want anything too demanding but something to break up the day a little. Of course, it would be fitting for me to choose substitute teaching since I had over 30 years experience in the field. My hubby, reluctantly came along. We’ve actually enjoyed it.
I love our church and Sunday school class. So glad that we decided to become members. They are the sweetest, kindest, some of the most Godly people that I know. I’ve learned a lot about them as we pray together and play together. A lot of this year has been about community. Learning to live together, laugh together, love together.
I had the neatest thing happen to me. One of my new friends that I met at church told me that she bought her daughter a VIP ticket to see her favorite Christian artist for Christmas. She and her husband planned on taking her for her Christmas present. “What a wonderful Christmas gift,” I told her. I remember seeing that this artist that I loved was close by and I really wanted to go too. She was one of my favorites. I marked my calendar reluctantly, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to attend. Days turned into months and I eventually stopped thinking about going. Well a long story short…my friends husband got sick days prior to the trip and was unable to go and she asked me would I like to go. WOULD I LIKE TO GO???? I don’t think she really had any idea just how much I really wanted to go. She is one of the most generous people that I know. Not because she asked me to go on this trip but because she is always doing kind things for others. On our way the next morning, I happened to look down at my phone and there it was plain as day on my calendar, notification of the concert that I had saved months earlier. I had to hold the floodgates back. Don’t ever tell me that God doesn’t give us the desires of our heart. I know He does. Days afterwards, during my morning devotion, I was thinking about the trip and how it still warmed my heart so. I thought, how could I ever repay her for this generosity? I heard Him say, “You can’t.” “Just receive it.” I immediately understood. You gave me the greatest gift ever. I didn’t deserve it. And there was nothing I could do to ever pay for it. Just receive. Thank you Jesus. I do.
My husband knows how much I love a fire in the fireplace. It is “almost” my favorite thing about our cabin. If it is cool enough when we are here, he tires hard to have a fire every night. Yesterday we only had a couple of pieces of wood left. I figured that would be our last fire for this week. As I sat here typing this blog I heard the rumbling of an old pick-up truck as it worked hard to climb the mountain. I looked out the window and there was our neighbor from below bringing us a truck load of wood. Tears filled my eyes as I thought about my husband and how he will do anything within his power for me. Love you baby! Funny thing happened on one of our early morning walks this week. My hubby and I, came up with two interesting names for each other. These names describe our fussing technique. It’s funny how we always use animals or bugs. He told me that I was a like an ant that sneaks up on you and bites you, implying that I don’t just come out with it but I use a sneak tactic to attack. I told him he was like a cricket. That annoying sound that just want stop but goes on and on. We both laughed. I hope we laugh even more. Thank you God for him! No matter what mood we’re in…he’s my soulmate.
I learned a lot about myself this year. I still want things to work out the way that I want them to work out, (what girl doesn’t?) but, I think I might be a just a little better about trusting God and His timing. He still isn’t early but He is right on time….every time! It’s funny how I want everyone else to be on time (including God) but, I’m a procrastinator. However, I will say that I am starting to get a little tired of my procrastination. This year has been a lot about change. The way I think about things and the way I do things have been challenged. I continue to be stretched. I can hear God and His great sense of humor say, “You asked for it didn’t you?” One of my favorite analogies for life has always been the butterfly. Talking about change! There is nothing as hopeless looking as a caterpillar. He just sits around eating all day…but you know how he turns out. So, this year I guess you would say instead of just talking about how beautiful the butterfly is, I have really tried to learn to fly. It’s hard. Very hard. I know that Jesus has been with me...every flap of my wings.
As we toasted with our mountain friends on New Years Eve, with our champagne glasses slightly full of bubbly, (that no one really liked), we were once again reminded of the gift of friendship. Praying friends. Sitting in our cabin in front of warm, cozy fire in the fireplace, with thankfulness in our hearts, when we got back home seemed to be a very fitting way to end this year.
Thank you Father for the loving people in my life; a loving husband, children and grandchildren, a beautiful sister and brother-in-law, a precious mother, the constant love of family, a wonderful church family, friends that listen and pray. Thank you for the extra measure of faith, hope and love that I received this year…you are a good, good Father.
Sammie jean
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