Tuesday, January 10, 2017


As I walk down my new path, a little dirt road, with leaves, pine straw and all types of animal tracks on it, around a pond, and into the woods, not sure where it leads completely. Kinda like 2017. But, as 2016 winds down my mind revs up and I think about the rain in the natural and in the spiritual, so thankful for God's goodness to us this year.

My husband's and my seventh year of marriage has been one of jubilee. God has smiled down on us with favor. Our land has been blessed with bounty. From jobs for our kids, health for our families, restoration of relationships, to the selling of our home and preparation for a new one...He has been very near.

God has begun restoring relationships. I am beginning to understand things that I haven't understood before about relationships in my family. When I say restore I don't mean to how it was before but how God wanted it to be from the beginning. As in Malachi's prophesy in the old testament, I will turn the hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the children to their parents, I feel this is happening.

Three dear high school friends came back in my life this year. They were never very far away but sometimes when you're out of sight you're out of mind too. God lead us to a little cabin in Georgia to spend some time together. There he showed us how much he loved us and we once again realized how much we loved each other. All I can say about these women is that they are precious gems. Diamonds, rubies, and sapphires. And like all other gems, they have gone through a lot of fire to become the beautiful stones that they are. But, through it all, they radiate with the Love of God on
their faces. I found a quote from C. S. Lewis that I believe fits our friendship.  You have not chosen
one another, but I have chosen you for one another. I love these women.

Months back, my husband and I, sat on our porch around a fire one night and talked about the future. It has now started to come to fruition.  We sold our home only weeks after putting it on the market with the first person that looked at it. I remember telling my realtor the day that she came to look at the house that I really thought that it would sell fast, but I had no idea just how fast! When am I ever going to learn that God will do what He says He will do! I have felt for a while that God was telling me to "step out of the boat."  When I made the first move, I saw He was serious. He made the next...He sold our house quickly. So, together we are going to do this. On a recent trip, I found a cute little plaque that I loved. It said "Less House, More Home." It really spoke to me.  I  can't say that I
totally understand it, but I'm ready to experience it. I'm pretty sure that He is going to teach us what it means cause were moving from a 1400 square foot house to a little camper. But, the wooded view is gorgeous!

All this brings me back to my front porch, sitting alone, approximately 10 years ago when I heard Holy Spirit. He spoke to me, "I will restore all that has been stolen from you by the enemy." Of
course, I immediately thought that would be money. All along, He had plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me a hope, and a future. So much more than I could have ever dreamed of. He started with giving me a Godly husband. And gave my grandchildren a Godly grandfather. Then, things started falling into place. Today I realize that peace, love, joy and contentment had been stolen from me. These things money cannot buy!

I am an emotional person. I was raised with a lot of emotion.  I am learning that emotion will fool
you, and cannot be trusted.  I have relied on my emotion way too long. I am seeing that love and emotion are not always friends. So, what did God do? He brought me a man that is not as emotional as I am. He has lovingly told me the truth even when I didn't want to hear it. I am so thankful that God loved me and my family so much that he sent us this wonderful man.

I have begun to understand more about setting boundaries in my own life and the relationships around me. I have always cared way too much about what people thought of me. I am starting to understand that I only need acceptance from my Father God and my husband which He has given to me as a help-mate, and if I please anybody other than that then,"that's just icing on top of the cake." I've always heard that you teach other people how to treat you. I believe it.   It's kinda like "say what you mean and mean what you say."  A life of integrity.  The more I care about myself then the more I will care about how others treat me. The more I care about myself then the more I will care how I treat others. Now I understand why that rule is "golden."

I pray that my daughter and granddaughter see what a "pearl of great price" that they are. I pray that they understand God's love for them. That they are made in His image and beautiful in His sight. The only man that is good enough for them is the man that is sent from Him to them.

 I am thankful for my church family. I appreciate all the years that they have stood with me. Through all the ups and downs in life. Through times of misunderstandings and times of great joy, they have been there. During a youth service, New Years Eve, at our church, I stood on the back row and watched the youth, and young adults take their places whether it be in dance, song, word, or worship. I couldn't help but just smile (with a little pride) and say "thank you Father." This is the beginning of the latter day rain that we have prayed for. This rain will bring forth all the seeds planted on good soil. What a beautiful harvest it will be.

I'm so thankful for the rain (in the physical and spiritual.) The drought is over. This new path that I am on is not familiar.. I am "stepping out of the boat." I trust in Him. He has never failed me.

 God Has New For You (and me) in 2017! Let's do this!

 Sammie Jean

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