Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Sometimes He Says Yes and Sometimes No

Today as I walked, listened to my mp3 player and prayed, I thought about many things in my life and my family’s life.  I noticed an Asian woman walking too.  We passed each other and smiled and said, “Hi.” I continued my walk for another mile or so.  As I was coming close to the end of my walk, a car drove past me, turned around and came back.  The car stopped right beside me and a woman rolled her window down and she said, “I was looking for you.  It was the Asian woman I saw walking earlier.  She handed me a little booklet and she said, “Jesus loves you!” Oh, my goodness! How that touched my heart and warmed my soul.  Holy Spirit, laid on her heart for her to search for me.  She had no idea how much it meant to me.  It was so sweet of her to take the time to come and tell me that.  I do know that Jesus loves me and that is a promise that I hold on to!
I was thinking about prayer and how prayer seems to be a very misunderstood subject.  It appears to me that some people think prayer is so sacred that you have to have a certain combination of do’s and don’ts to be an effective prayer warrior.  Well, I don’t think so! (1) I can pray anywhere, anytime.  (2) I can stand, walk, kneel, lie down, jump, stand on my head (can’t do that), in my car, on my job, or in my closet. (3) I can walk throughout my day in communication with Him.  It’s all about my heart.  I think it’s all about my attitude toward God. Father loves me and like any good father, He will only do what is best for me.  So, it would be in my best interest to get to know Him (very well).  Not just what He can do for me.

I know it sounds so cliché to say, “Lord, I need you” because you hear it said so often.  It’s not just a pretty song either, “I need thee every hour.”  The real truth is, I do need you every hour (and want you every hour.) and yes (4) I can ask Him for the desires of my heart and petition Him for needs of others too.

Like I said before, it’s a heart issue.  I cannot make it in this life without his wisdom, understanding, grace, and love for me (foremost).  I can’t really depend on anyone else. Not even my good family, close friends, not even myself.  I want to have lines of communication open at all times with Him.  He is the only one that will always be for me; yesterday, today, and forever.  If my prayer life, consist only of praying when I need or want something, then the truth is that I don’t really want Him in my life…just what He can do for me.

What got me thinking about prayer was, the other day I was praying about something…oh yeah, I was praying about my son’s endeavor for a new job.  My son told me that he was the youngest of the group to interview for the position and he was less qualified then some of the others.  I was praying that God give him favor and praying that God’s will be done.  The Lord’s Prayer says…thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Since God has a plan for our lives and he has had it from the foundation of the earth, (5) I pray that God’s will be done on earth as it is in heaven.  Well, long story short, he got the job!  Praise God!

I started thinking about this.  His answer was yes. Sometimes, His answer is no.  How did I feel about that?  It started to change my attitude about prayer. (6) Prayer should be a conversation that I have with God and (7) I should praise Him whether the answer is “yes” or “no”.

We are family! We have brothers and sisters in Christ.  He is our Father.  We can be in relationship with Him.  We can have conversation with Him.  He will talk to us and we can talk to Him.  We can know Him as He knows us.  He knows our personality and what is best for us.

 I try to walk with him daily. Some days I sit in His lap and kiss His cheek. Some days I pout a little and I am distant.  Some days I ask Him for things and other days I just tell Him how much I love and appreciate Him in my life. I trust Him. He is my Father God, Daddy, Papa. He knows best. He has my back. I trust Him.  

Sometimes he says “yes” and sometimes He says “no.”  Because I have a relationship with Him, I trust Him. I really do trust Him.

Living Loved (by an awesome Father),

Psalm 44:21 …wouldn’t God find out since He knows the secrets of the heart?  Matthew 6:8 He knoweth what things I have need of before I ask Him.  NIV

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