Last week we had a man come to our church from Kenya. I enjoyed him very much. It was heart warming. It also stirred my heart to hear him talk about leaving his country to do what God had called him to do and to be away from his family for many years. He talked about getting out of our comfort zone and letting God expand our borders. Ouch! That stung a little as I thought about how little I had done. I have always wanted to go to Africa. I have always felt a connection with the children in that country. Not sure why. I love children that is one reason, but I also admire how no matter how little they have, they have such a vibrancy about life. He talked about how at the beginning of their church services the children and women dance. I can just see that! I enjoy the culture, music, and joyful enthusiasm (of all different cultures.) Kids are so much fun to be around anyway. I have taught children of all color; Caucasian, African American, Hispanic and Asian. Each one brought their own unique personality and culture to our classroom. I find it pretty neat that God gave me grandchildren that are mixed race; black and Caucasian. I enjoy the diversity that we share together. They have taught me so much about myself and others. I pray that someday I will be able to go on a missions trip in another country (hopefully Africa.)
My son went to the Dominican Republic on a mission trip in college. He talked about how they took baseball equipment to give to the children (not sure what ages.) I remember him telling me how he gave his baseball glove and maybe his cleats too to a child there. I thought that was very sweet of him. But, the truth of the matter is, he knew that at some point, he would probably be able to get another glove and pair of shoes. (However, he did give up something of himself...his time.)
I have a close friend that will be leaving Saturday for a mission trip in Guatemala to work in an orphanage. How wonderful it is that people are giving their time and money to help others. I'm praying for you Deb!
I often tell my husband how I want to go to the inner cities. Maybe New York. I would love to be a part of all the wonderful things that people are doing there. I have a good friend whose children are in ministries in the inner city. I pray that someday I will be able to go...
On October 24th, 2014, I made this journal entry: I often ponder about world problems and what I could do to help. As I took a walk this morning I heard Holy Spirit say, "Just take a look around you." I met two older adults in a motorized "get around." They met each other by the side of the road for their morning chat. He had a bag of empty plastic bottles and she had a little plastic container with cigarettes in it. She opened her container and ask him if he wanted a smoke. As I passed by I asked myself, "What can I offer them?" Since I didn't really know what to say or do, I gave her a smile and I said "Good morning." She warmly smiled back and said, "Good morning." I heard His voice, "You recognized them. All people want to be recognized. But it is very important for people in their situation to just be recognized and know that someone cares."
That's the least I can do. As I continued my walk I thought about so many needs just in my little block of town. I've prayed for many situations in my neighborhood. But, I want to do more...
Our church does ministry with children and their families in foster care. We simply take care of the children so that the husband and wife can have time alone to do whatever they would like to do. These children are very high energy and require a lot of attention. We just love them and play with them. It is a wonderful time! My husband and I enjoy doing it.
Matthew 28:16-20
The Great Commission
16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
I pray for all the families that are involved in ministry here in our country and abroad. I pray for their safety and an outpouring of God's blessing on their lives and their ministry. I don't know where my own personal ministry will take me and my husband in the years ahead, but I pray that I have a heart attuned to the needs around me and that my eyes and ears are open at all times. I might not ever do missions in another country (but until I have that opportunity), there is plenty to do in my own community.
sammie jean
I pray for all the families that are involved in ministry here in our country and abroad. I pray for their safety and an outpouring of God's blessing on their lives and their ministry. I don't know where my own personal ministry will take me and my husband in the years ahead, but I pray that I have a heart attuned to the needs around me and that my eyes and ears are open at all times. I might not ever do missions in another country (but until I have that opportunity), there is plenty to do in my own community.
sammie jean
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